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Complementary Courses

Complementary Courses

In this category you will find courses on topics that complement auriculotherapy / ear acupuncture and are therefore important or interesting for therapists. This group also includes the legally required certification course for laser safety officers for all therapists who work with lasers.

The online video courses are available to you permanently and without time limits.

Laserschutzbeauftragter Onlinekurs COLLL (Medizin / PBM-3R / 3B) nach TROS inkl. Zertifikat

Kurs für Anwender von Lasern (Laserklassen 3R und 3B - Wellenlängenbereich von 600 nm bis 1000 nm) in der Human- und Veterinärmedizin. Mit OMR PD Dr. sc. med. Wolfgang Bringmann - günstig, schnell, flexibel, mit Multiple-Choice-Prüfung und Zertifikat

German language course