MD Beate Strittmatter
Dr. Beate Strittmatter runs a practice for auriculotherapy in Saarbrücken, Germany.
- Licensed acupuncturist, licensed ear acupuncturist
Specialist in general medicine - Examining doctor for the Saarland Medical Association for naturopathy and acupuncture Training manager for ear acupuncture at the School for Auriculotherapy and Ear Acupuncture ( and the German Academy for Acupuncture (DAA)
- Further training, among others:
Nine years of further clinical training (focus on orthopaedics)
Training in body and ear acupuncture (auriculotherapy), neural therapy, manual medicine
Ear Acupuncture - A Precise Pocket Atlas
Thieme Verlag, 2nd edition 2011, 440 Seiten
ISBN: 9783131319623
Identifying and Treating Blockages to Healing
Top 100 Points for Orthopedics
The Big Textbook on Ear Acupuncture