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PHD, MD John Howard

John Howard is an international lecturer on auriculotherapy.


Degree in acupuncture from the Maryland Institute of Traditional Medicine in Bethesda, Maryland. 2 professorships: one in Traditional Chinese Medicine and the other in Western Medicine from George Washington University (GWU).
Upon completion of his degree Prof Howard entered into a five-year fellowship with the US military under the direction of Dr. Richard Niemtzow, MD, PHD. Prof Howard is both a clinician and an academician. He has authored five books and 21 articles on acupuncture and/or auriculotherapy. In 2014 Prof Howard served as the vice president of the 8th International Symposium of Auriculotherapy in the United States.

Teaching focus

Battlefield Acupuncture


Auriculotherapy - The Atlas based on the originals of P. Nogier
