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Dr. med. Volkmar Kreisel

Volkmar Kreisel, born in 1964, is a specialist in anesthesiology, with an additional qualification in acupuncture. He qualified as a senior emergency physician and in special anesthesiological intensive medicine.
After several years in a senior position at the Clinic of Anesthesiology and Intensive Medicine at the University of Würzburg, Germany, in 2003 Dr Kreisel started working independently as a specialist in Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany. He is the founder and medical director of the Integrative Medicine Practice which focuses on low-level laser therapy, implant acupuncture and minimally invasive pain therapy.

In addition to his work at the practice, Dr Kreisel is an international speaker, lecturer and author. For many years he has been interested in the effects of resonance-modulated laser light on the cellular and energy metabolism and is one of the pioneers in the field of PBM and implant acupuncture. For example he played an essential role in the multicentre study "RLS treatment with implant acupuncture" and developed the concept of "Frequency-modulated implant acupuncture®". Together with Dr Michael Granjean he presented "Frequency Associated Controlled Micro Acupuncture®" a method of optimised interference field therapy.

Dr. Kreisel is a scientific consultant and grade IV instructor of the International Network of Controlled Implant Acupuncture INAURIS. Dr Kreisel is the Vice president of the International Society for Medical Laser Applications ISLA and a scientific consultant and grade IV instructor of the International Network of Controlled Implant Acupuncture INAURIS.

Specialist associations: BDA (Professional Association of German Anaesthetists, BIT (Internal Medical Association for Biophysical Information Therapy), DAA (German Acupuncture Academy), INAURIS International Network of Controlled Implant Acupuncture), ISLA (International Society for Medical Laser Applications), NAALT (North American Association for Laser Therapy).


Hilfe bei AMD
Praxisbuch Laserakupunktur
